Hahhaaha... remember the 1 year old birthday celebration for Isaac almost 2 months ago? Well, here are more pix from his first birthday party, on the 26th July 2008. We purposely had the party for him before my sis and the girls left for usa.
Here're pix of the girls with us. Think Natalie was sleeping at that time or something. My sister has uploaded pix of them in usa on her Facebook, but I haven't got round to downloading them for posting here :p
Here are the girls and Isaac fawning over the spiderman cake. My sister says that whenever the girls see spiderman stuff, they'd say "Buy for Ee-ee!!!" or "Buy for Isaac!!!" hahaha... so got heart. sighz. kekeke...
Time really flies. The girls are so big already. Did I tell you that hubbs and I got together the year Rebecca was born? (albeit earlier in the year) And we got married one day before Isabelle was born. So every year we see them grow bigger, we know we've been together that much longer :) So everytime my sister mentions Isabelle's birthday celebration, we'd go:"Oh yah! our wedding anniversay coming hor?!" hahahhaa...
Here's pix of Isaac having fun crawling about underneath the dining table :p
As you can see, Isabelle came to join in the fun too! hahaha... actually, this is one of Isabelle's favourite activity too, especially when she was younger - crawling underneath the same dining table!
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