Monday, 3 March 2008

Isaac's Moo Moo time

Now, every morning, on a school day, we'd drop hubbs in school before I take over the wheel to send Isaac to my MIL's place, and then I go to work. Thus, I've to wake up at 6am *groan* to bathe etc. Usually, when we pick Isaac up to leave the house - he'd wake up. Thus is his bio-clock set: to wake up at about 7am everyday.
Unfortunately, his bio-clock got no "weekend" setting. So he wakes up at 7ish on weekends too! *sighz* But he's a sweetie. He'd play on his own: rolling around, flipping left right up down, playing with whatever toys he finds on his bed - usually Moo Moo and and the cloth/sponge blocks - and generally entertaining himself...
all pictures taken on 5th January 2008
Isaac @5 months

... till he gets bored. Then he calls out for us. hahahaha... But he's a joy to wake up to. He's always all smiles even when he just wakes up. That's my smiley Isaac for you :)

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