Sunday, 13 January 2008

Reader, yes reading!

I've always been an avid reader since young, devouring book after book of Enid Blyton and The Three Investigator series... so much so that I would not do my homework ;p As a result, my mum had to conduct "spot-checks" on me to make sure I didn't sneak off to Coronation Plaza to rent more story books to read. All this when I was all of 10 years old. hehehe...Well, I hope Isaac's into reading. We're ready for him! We've a whole library of books waiting to be read. Most of the books are mine. Some are hubbs'. He has a shelve I allocated for his books - his comics!!! All his chinese man4 hua4! hiaz!!! I don't mind Isaac reading manga, but I hope he likes to read PROPER books. if you know what I mean :p

Here's Isaac reading his first book. Looks a real pro, ain't he. This is not a "posed" picture okay. Caught him reading like that and quickly whipped out my camera to snap shots ;p

Then he gets tired and lies down to continue reading. Hiaz... That's how his Mummy's eyesight got bad and had to wear specs. Hope he doesn't make that a habit! kekeke...
Flipping pages like a pro. Am now feeling bad that he only has one cloth book (thanks to Aunties Minjie, HueyHuey & Uncles Teck, Eric, Michael, Junxiong) Shall try to buy more cloth books for Isaac boy! :)
And here one Isaac notices Mummy snooping around with her trusty Lumix!!! hahaha...

pictures taken on 8th December 2007


  1. I'm a comics fan too!! I have one glass cabinet full of it and Hubs can only shake his head when he sees me add to the collection every now and then! ;P

    I've seen that Elmo book too! Really cute and fun with all the sounds huh? Can Isaac play with the sound buttons already? :)

  2. JO,
    you also read chinese comics?! hahaha... I like comics too, but I'm the angmo pai one... so I read Archies, Beano, that kind. hahaha...

    sometimes isaac accidentally presses the sound buttons. but then, the battery/ies like going flat already, so sometimes no sound, or sound a bit zou3 ying1 already... dunno where to change batt also. prob gonna leave it as it is to die off :p


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