Sunday 13 January 2008

Reader, yes reading!

I've always been an avid reader since young, devouring book after book of Enid Blyton and The Three Investigator series... so much so that I would not do my homework ;p As a result, my mum had to conduct "spot-checks" on me to make sure I didn't sneak off to Coronation Plaza to rent more story books to read. All this when I was all of 10 years old. hehehe...Well, I hope Isaac's into reading. We're ready for him! We've a whole library of books waiting to be read. Most of the books are mine. Some are hubbs'. He has a shelve I allocated for his books - his comics!!! All his chinese man4 hua4! hiaz!!! I don't mind Isaac reading manga, but I hope he likes to read PROPER books. if you know what I mean :p

Here's Isaac reading his first book. Looks a real pro, ain't he. This is not a "posed" picture okay. Caught him reading like that and quickly whipped out my camera to snap shots ;p

Then he gets tired and lies down to continue reading. Hiaz... That's how his Mummy's eyesight got bad and had to wear specs. Hope he doesn't make that a habit! kekeke...
Flipping pages like a pro. Am now feeling bad that he only has one cloth book (thanks to Aunties Minjie, HueyHuey & Uncles Teck, Eric, Michael, Junxiong) Shall try to buy more cloth books for Isaac boy! :)
And here one Isaac notices Mummy snooping around with her trusty Lumix!!! hahaha...

pictures taken on 8th December 2007


  1. I'm a comics fan too!! I have one glass cabinet full of it and Hubs can only shake his head when he sees me add to the collection every now and then! ;P

    I've seen that Elmo book too! Really cute and fun with all the sounds huh? Can Isaac play with the sound buttons already? :)

  2. JO,
    you also read chinese comics?! hahaha... I like comics too, but I'm the angmo pai one... so I read Archies, Beano, that kind. hahaha...

    sometimes isaac accidentally presses the sound buttons. but then, the battery/ies like going flat already, so sometimes no sound, or sound a bit zou3 ying1 already... dunno where to change batt also. prob gonna leave it as it is to die off :p


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