Sunday, 6 January 2008

Isaac is 5mths old today!

Yeah! Isaac is 5 months old today!!!

BUT... I'd have to leave you with pictures of him a month ago - when he was 4 months old... (told you I was behind on blogging... ah well... will try to catch up soon, yeah...)

I took that picture, then thought:" Yikes! Isaac with ah pek black socks!" so I took off the socks before taking the rest of the pics... soooo much better without the backs socks! hahaha...

Incidentally, my niece Isabelle saw this picture and asked:" Why Isaac wear black socks?" and Rebecca continued:" Not matching one..." hiaz... kids these days... :p

all pictures above taken on 7th December 2007
Isaac @ 4 months & 1 day

Yeah! Isaac is 5 months old today!!! hhehhee... ooops... just saw the time - after midnight already... So... have to change the title liaoz... Isaac was 5 months old YESTERDAY!!! waaahahahaha...

BUT... I'd have to leave you with pictures of him a month ago - when he was 4 months old... (told you I was behind on blogging... ah well... will try to catch up soon, yeah...)

1 comment:

  1. He looks much bigger in these photos. The comment by Rebecca is very funny. Colour coordination is indeed very important to girls her age ... NOT!


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