Wednesday, 24 June 2009

To Perth and back!

Hey, some of you must have been thinking where I've disappeared to kekeke... well afterall, I usually try to have a post a week at minimum, right? Well, guess what? We went to Perth! yeah!!!

Whole of last week we were in Perth, Australia. Hubbs, Isaac and I, and 3 of my cousins: Yew Hui, Yew Ling & Yew Yi, another cousin Yew Jin & his gf Sharon, and Yew Jin's mum, my 2nd aunt. We all went to Perth, and there, we met up with my cousin Joel, his wife Andrea and their 3 lovely kids: Jarrod, Zachary & Caitlin! :)

We had a blast!!! It's been more than 10 years since we cousins went on an overseas trip together, sans (most) parents this time too kekeke...

We drove down South from Perth, stayed 2 nights in Denmark (yes, we DROVE to Denmark! hahahha sounds like we drove halfway round the world, huh), and another 2 night just outside Margaret River, and another 2 nights in Perth city.

We climbed rocks & trees, visited a chocolate factory and winery and some nice jam place, oh and we ate lotsa lotsa good food!!! yum yum yum, was amazed that I didn't put on any weight this trip though. hahaha... good, otherwise will kenna scolding... hahaha...

Isaac had a fantastic time playing with his Kor Kor Jarrod and Kor Kor Zachary. He jumped when they jumped, skipped when they skipped, and imitated any action they did or sound they made. Yes, he's in the 'parrot stage' ! hahaha...

The boys were very nice kor kors to Isaac, and gave in to him almost all of the time. We only had to stop Zach when he tried to sit on Isaac - coz Isaac tried to sit on him first. hahaha... Well, on this trip, Isaac learnt to jump on the bed, and on each other too.

On this trip, Isaac had his first taste of a hotdog sausage, lamb steak (ate a whole piece with his rice), beef steak, burger (had almost a whole burger for lunch). And I think he ate more bread in this one week than he has ever eaten in a month during normal days.

It's also the first time that we gave him biscuits to snack on, in between meals. We did this coz we didn't often get to have our dinner on time. But Isaac's tummy's on clockwork, once it's time, he's hungry! As a result, he ate quite a bit of snacks in between his meals.

:) well, you'd see the pix in a few months time. HAHAHAHA... okay okay, will try to hurry it up... :p

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