
Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Day 6: Prayers for Those Who Want Kids But Can't

Whatever your religion, the Tan Family Chronicles invites you to Pray With Us

Day 1: Prayers for the Dearly Departed

Day 2: Prayers for the Littlest Ones We Never Got to Know

Day 3: Prayers for Those Here, But Not Present

Day 4: Prayers for Children to Be Well

Day 5: Prayers for those with Cancer

Day 6: Prayers for Those Who Want Kids But Can't

Before I had kids, I have always loved kids. I knew from when I was in my early teens, that I would definitely want to get married and have kids.With this in mind, I made sure to select a future-father-to-my-children as a boyfriend. He didn't need to be a perfect boyfriend, he just needed to show potential to be a great dad to my kids. Decades on, I give thanks that I have made a very good choice in who I married. He turned out to be a good boyfriend and husband, but most importantly, a wonderful and involved father to our kids. We have gotten closer and we both admit we love each other more now, than on our marriage day - thanks to our kids. The kids have truly blessed our lives through and through. We give thanks to have found each other, that we both wanted kids as much as the other. We give thanks that we have had three wonderful kids, and we pray that we would be blessed with more kids, if we so choose to want to have more. 

We pray for those who are experiencing infertility and sub-fertility, may they, by divine action, be able to conceive without problems once again. We pray that all fertility treatment be affordable and made available to all couples experiencing difficulty in conceiving children, and pray that the treatment works. We pray that the mummy's body is strong and able to endure the stresses a pregnancy places on the body, we pray that the pregnancies be problem-free and safe for both mother and child.

We pray for people to have wisdom in choosing their significant others, that their significant others will think the same way as them whether it is to want or not want kids. We pray that those who do not want kids but find themselves pregnant, to not abort the child, but continue the pregnancy to have the child. If they should choose to keep the child, we pray that they grow to love the child and enjoy the thrilling roller coaster ride of parenthood. If they should choose to put the child up for adoption, we give thanks to them for not aborting the child.

We pray for all those who because of financial difficulties, are unable to have or keep their children. We pray that they will find a stable source of income. We pray that for all families who have no choice but to give up their children - to be able to find good, safe, wholesome homes for their beloved children.

We pray for all parents to want their children, and love their children. We pray that they will have divine guidance and help throughout their parenting trials and tribulations. We pray that they make time to spend with their children, to converse with them, to have fun with them, to love them and guide them, to grow old with them.

Pray with us.

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