
Saturday, 1 February 2014

Day 2: Prayers for the Littlest Ones We Never Got to Know

The Tan Family Chronicles invites you to Pray With Us
Day 1: Prayers for the Dearly Departed

Day 2: Prayers for the Littlest Ones We Never Got to Know

Today, we pray for the babies who we never got to know as they were lost to us when they were being aborted, miscarried, or passed away in utero. Know that you are missed and loved even though we never got the chance to hold you, see your picture, or even know your name. We pray that you are at peace, and having fun in heaven where we know you are. 

In addition, we pray for the mummies and daddies who have lost their babies in utero. We pray that you have made your peace with what has happened. We pray that you have the strength and resilience to press on and go on with life despite the unfortunate circumstances. We pray that you will not give up and continue to try for another baby to bless your lives. We pray that you conceive and deliver a healthy baby in due time. We also pray, that if having a baby is not possible, you will consider the option of adopting a child into your hearts and home, to love and to cherish and be the wonderful parents we know you can be. 

We also pray for the parents of the babies who were not intentionally conceived. We pray that you have the strength to go through with the pregnancy, and deliver the baby, and put the child up for adoption. For every child should be loved and cherished, and if you are unable to do so, many childless couples would love to be able to adopt one into their lives. We pray that you would be given the support, love and understanding that you need from family and friends in order to carry a child to term, to life. We pray that you would be given the respect you deserve to have been able to sacrifice months of your life in order to give birth to new life, and to allow that new life to live out in peace with another family unknown to you.

Pray with us. 
Prayers are prayers, even if you pray to your own God, whatever religion you believe in. Prayers and love have no boundaries. Join us in our prayers. Let me know if you have anything to add on. Comment to add the names of those you wish to pray for.

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