
Saturday, 4 September 2010

Us pix! (studio pix 10)

This is the final installment of the studio pix we took, courtesy of SHAPES Photography. It's the SpideyTans sans kids!!! kekeke...
We took like 10 shots in 30 seconds - coz all the while we were taking these pix... Isaac was bawling and throwing a tantrum... it was getting late and he was getting cranky :p So while Ben helped us hold him (er, restrain him hahahaha) - hubbs and I quickly posed for a few pix.
We find that ever since we had Isaac, we had very few pictures taken of just the two of us. So, this time, since we were taking nice studio pix, we were determined to get in a few of just us two alone.
Well I must say they turned out pretty alright. Had a few choice ones that we worth printing :p Maybe it was the Spidey wear we had on... or ... maybe it's coz it's us!!! hahahahaa...

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