
Monday, 14 December 2009

Baba Isaac

Hey, look at little Baba Isaac... kekeke... yeah technically, I have Pernakan ancestry coz both my paternal and maternal grandmothers were both Nonyas. So that makes me a nonya too? hahaha...
I'd always been proud of the fact that I was peranakan, coz of my grandmothers. I even wore sarong and a nonya top to my JC dinner & dance. Well, coz also that was the year my Popo (maternal grandmother) passed away. I was really close to her and so was very upset and it was my way of paying tribute to her by wearing her clothes to my d&d.
But all things peranakan have become pretty much in vogue this past year, thanks to the TCS drama the Little Nonya. To the extent when I say I have peranakan ancestry, people react like as if I am trying to be IN with the crowd or something. Sighz. whatever.
Anyway, look at this suit we found for Isaac. It's from my aunt, think she sewed it for my nephew - her grandson. Cute isn't it, suits Isaac well. He looks great in it, a little baba! My little baba boy! :)
pix taken on 11th January 2009
Isaac @ 17 months plus


  1. yeah it actually suits him and his character, very chillax!

  2. oh yeah forgot to add - the Little Nonya drama and hype was just tooo much... *shudder*


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